Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fun is Fun till someone looses an eye.... or gets a greenstick fracture

17 days till spring and boy was it ever nice out today.

Eddie set up an area on the deck for the 6 1/2wk old boys and for Charlotte and Lily. 

The boys... first time out.... just loved the fresh air and sunshine.  We had to put a wire top on the xpen incase the hawks see them ... the boys are still quite small.

Vinnie.... what a puss face.

This boy always looks like he is smiling.  Looks like a little "imp"

As you can see below Charlotte and Lily had a blast tearing up the deck / yard with lots of sun beaming on them.

So far, Lily's gait looks quite good - nice outreach

Check it out boys!!!  I'm all that and more!
  Boys drool..... girls rule!

oooo is that me?

Best friends / The rock n roll sisters

yoooooo hooooooo

If you are wondering why there are no pictures of little Mia enjoying the sun....well...  there was some roughhousing over the weekend that caused a greenstick fracture in her left leg - tibula.  She could not stand up for a couple of days... peeing basically on herself while lying down. Poor thing.

For the next three weeks -  till her next xray is taken.....she is confined to either Eddie, Brianna, Tyler or myself carrying her around, or in a cat crate during the night (she is crate trained now) so that she can not jump up or try to stand on her hind legs.... and we have her in this medium crate - sans lid, when I am working on my computer. Using only 1/2 a crate, she can eliminate herself on the newspaper and take a rest.  All of her bedding is sheepskin... nice and soft/padded.... incase she falls.  No Portia, no brothers. 

When we have this little squirt in our arms....Grandma Ray comes to see her. We feel it is important that someone of Mia's race visits her on a regular basis.  The presense of her dam may upset her and cause her to potentially move the leg the wrong way - causing it to snap and break completely - we don't want that to happen!

Look Mommy Bernadette.... I am strong and I am starting to heal.

Today, she can manage to put a little weight on her back leg and is able to "releive" herself on the paper on her own, without our help holding her up.  She is doing really well.

Below are different fractures... that you can see.  Mia's is Green Stick (hairline)

This was taken from a pet education site
Greenstick Fractures: Greenstick fractures are small cracks within the bone which leave the bone basically intact, but cracked. In other words, the bone is not completely broken.


anamchara1 said...

Awwww ... poor little Mia! Thankfully puppies grow so quickly and she'll heal so fast, she'll be back to normal in no time. She looks very comfy in her "hospital room" :).

Chris (Kel-Lani Shelties) said...

Awwww...little Mia! So sorry 'bout your leg (((gentle hug))) She'll be running around like nothing happened in no time ~ the babies are quite quick to heal. The others sure look like they're enjoying the sunshine and all are looking great! :)

Cindy said...

poor little girl ... looks like she is on the mend ... heal fast little Mia

Love the pic of the rock n roll sisters. everyone looks like they are having fun in the sun ... come on spring

Linda said...

Penny, you are a real Florence Nightingale, very informative diagrams and info about this type of fracture for us breeders too. You never cease to amaze us! Your Rock and Roll girls are awesome looking! Little Mia will be fine, and will probably excel in Agility and suprise everyone, she has a wonderful Mommy taking care of her.