Monday, March 25, 2013

Rio & BreezePups are here.

Tuesday night after work, I has with heavy heart to find that Breeze had given birth to 5 pups on her own ~ 2 of which did not make it. This was her first litter, and from the site, I would say she had a bit of trouble with possibly the very first one. 

Thank you my son, Tyler, for helping me bring some of the Kaos down by  warming up the pups while I cleaned up the mess, disinfecting, and putting in new bedding.

We have 2 healthy boys and one healthy small girl.  The pics below are them at 2 days of age.

This is a co-breeding with Shelamo.  They pups have been whelped and will be raised by Ruffleith.


Shelamo Shelties said...

and they are cutie pies! Look forward to seeing them grow.

Chris said...

They're such beautiful colors, I'm sure they'll all be stunning youngsters. I'm so very sorry for your loss Pennylynn ~ big hug