Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tip Toe through the Irises????

Duncan in the garden, playing hide and go seek.

Our big man on campus, "Duncan" is our 16 1/2" at the shoulder ruler of the house - and he is the one and only "pet" here - well, other than Brianna's cat Puss Puss. Pictured below is Duncan with Tyler at a flag football game.

He is the leader and trainer of all the others - everyone has a great deal of respect for him, more so the younger ones like "Remi". He always looks up to Duncan for guidance and "approval" if you will, especially on our long walks. ~ do you recall the bugs bunny show with the little terrier and bull dog? what are we gonna do today spike? huh spike? what are we going to do....."" ""AHHHHH shut up! ~~~ yup... something like that ~ without the violent slap at the end.

He has had obedience training, agility training and he is the best "guard" dog ever! He sleeps in the middle of the house, ensuring the little boy (at one end of the house) and the little girl (at the other end of the house) are "protected". He herds everyone to bed, stays around for a few minutes, waits till the lights go out and carries on with the next person. He is amazing.

He is the most adored Sheltie here at Ruffleith yet the least given Kudos or talked about. I must stop that and showcase him more often - we are not only about Show dogs.

Duncan is greeting the alien coming to the front door.... he has his eyes on the back of the boots.

BACKGROUND: When the kids were 7 and 9, it was time to get a family pet. Not knowing what breed, we agreed to a Sheltie. I just love the majestic ruff and beautiful face - and I have to admit - I loved "lassie". With information on the breed itself, this is the family dog to get.

When Kim Aston first offered this boy, I was apprehensive only because, I never had a male dog in my whole entire life!

Was there a temperment difference between females and males of this breed? Were they more aggressive? Less Hugable (very important as a pet with 2 small kids).... lots of questions. With assurance, I agreed to take him home with us and I never looked back. This is the guy that started my love of Shelties..... this is the guy that convinced me that this breed is the breed for a family. .... This is the guy that .... I just love him to death.


Laureate said...

Duncan looks great! So he was the start of all this insanity! ha ha Look at you now; a beautiful country home, a successful breeding program...lovely gardens. It could be worse!

Cheers, Kim

Pennylynn said...

I wish you would stop making my eyes tear up! **shaking my fist**

Its all your fault! And I'm sticking to it!