Friday, June 12, 2009

There is no "long story short" so get a coffee, read it and weep.... if you want.... I did (weep that is. I read it cause I wrote it.- never mind)

Morning Ritual: 4:30a.m. - Dogs want to eat and go out...

Make Coffee. Check email do some web designing.... blah blah blah... scratch the head, try to style the "I just woke up look" with the hands and fingers... who cares... take a sip of coffee.

The dog run is finally in the midst of a major face lift - out with the "if you call it grass", in with the stone. Today is the Day. I better put a harness on before the trucker comes.

1 truck, 2 trips.... 10 tonnes of Stonedust..... 6 tonnes of River Stone $325 Delivered!

1st trip: Stonedust 6:50 a.m. "Just put it way at the back of the lane past the fence please"

Beep Beep Beep.....

I think the driver's name is George (***singing*** George, George, George of the Jungle... watch out for that tree!!.)

Here it comes


That's 10 tonnes??? hmmmm maybe soaking wet.

Go into the house, make the lunches for the kids... kiss kiss, have a nice day at school! waka waka waka - next

2nd trip 7:58 a.m. : River Stone - "Hi again, that was fast! Just place it on the other side but in the laneway please."

It will eventually be beautiful colours once it's washed.

Now... I have to wait till Eddie and Tyler shovel and tamper the stone and then shovel the river storne.... hopefully done by next weekend.

8:30 head over to Almonte (35 min ddrive) for 9:00 appointment at Vets. Bella is saying hello to everyone...happy happy

Head over to Maureens (20 min) to try and figure out new software that is not working right - open the back hatch.... Bella pukes in the crate..... beauty - I love you too.

2 hours later.... still can't figure out the problem....leave frustrated - I shall return to figure that out another day. In the meantime, Eddie is returning Bria's broken cell phone to Future shop. Luckily we took the extended warranty.. no questions asked,,,, she gets a new phone - NO CHARGE.

Rush home (45 min), put dogs out... wait for kids.

Drive to Bria's friend in Britannia (35 min) to drop her off for the weekend. Drive to Kanata (25 min) for Tyler's Hair appointment.

Here is where I cry - I'm tired... my back and arm is now killing me.

The sound of squealing brakes is becoming apparent... AGAIN. This is the second time this week. The smell of burnt rubber is now coming off the back wheel of my van. NEW VAN. 2008 NEW VAN. VAN I NEED FOR NEXT WEEKEND's DOG SHOW... 2 hours away from home...VAN I NEED TO GO TO WORK >>> PICK UP KIDS >>> sorry I'm yelling.

so I get Tyler to his appointment... I head over to the Dealership, they promise it will be fixed on Tuesday...the calipers? have ceased. Nothing to worry about... here's the key to a loaner... no charge...have a great weekend.

**sarcastically** wow. Look what I get to drive. I get to drive this piece of .... yellow....4 cycl "Car" sardine can.

May I remind you... I have a bad back, can't really drive a low car... problem going in and out of car.......

Kay so back to see my son .... too late, he is already in the chair with the bleach going on. Tyler is determined to get his whole head WHITE!

And he succeeds. Kids. Gotta love the fun they can have and not care. I admire that

Here is the other part of the blog that is dog realted... see full circle.... dogs don't recognize this guy....

Poor Rayna... confused... Smells like the boy, but looks different.

Duncan isn't too sure either

I'm going to bed. My hands are cramped...


Shelamo Shelties said...

Well, Penny, I've now finished my lg TH's coffee mug reading this .. or am I a slow reader :) ... now refilled and can post! Can't wait to see the pics of the nice new doggie yard with all this stone going in, yes it will look nice once down so don't worry about the colour of it now. Speaking of colour ... not so sure it's Tyler's hair colour the dog's don't see, it's the SMELL up there! He's now be able to show you how to get the white's on dogs white! he hee .. oh?? hummm you won't need it now with all that stone.
Bella's outing here was good for her, it was good training for me too; we'll figure out the Prop Inspector in due time .. smile ... do appreciate all the lessons .. at least my coffee was good.

I do love your YELLOW car! it is SO not your colour tho .. pretty close to Tyler's tho .. hee hee .. OK, now I have finished my 2nd cup of coffee .... tc sit back and enjoy Sat while the MEN do all the stone throwing!

Pennylynn said...

Kay so, I've drank a lg folgers coffee by the time I finished reading your POST! sheesh. LOL!!!

dogs went balistic when Ty came home, very reserved until he said hello to Duncan... so colour blind.. maybe... but definately see shades of grey... and the boy that was in the dark shades yerstady morning is like sooooo light!

As far as shampoo smarty pants..I may sneak some purple dog shampoo in one of his shampoo containers to keep his bright me some cash.. LOL!!

Jo Ann said...

Ah...stone delivery. After a couple of shovel-fulls you'll find out why that little pile is 10 tons!! There will be more weeping before all that is laid in. What we do for our dogs..!

Man, that is one YELLOW car. It must be some sort of dealership secret pact that loaners must always be cars that no-one would buy! In whose universe is that a fair trade for a van?!

We'll all be expecting "after" pictures of the stone all down and level in the run (and maybe even "during" pictures)! It'll look great.

Jo Ann

Pennylynn said...

I do recall what 10 tonnes of stone AND top soil is like... 3 years ago I did the whole front yard for my garden. I must post a pic of that *** note to thyself***

"Fortunately"...this year...I won't be re-living that experience at all! I'm in Physiotherapy for my back and right arm.... so my husband and son are shoveling the stuff as I type actually! (Shoveling stone that is) and yes, If I can sneak some "during" pics without hubby telling me to mind my business and get in the house.... I shall. LOL!!

Is 16 considered child labour???? I'll just say he's paying back his new do!

Car: I can't agree with you more!