Sunday, January 31, 2010

Will the real slim shady, errr cutest please stand up!

I stand before you and I declare...
I am small...hear me roar...but I am Cutest!

Wait a minute.... I thought I was the cutest (JemJem )

Like, look at me and all my braunness.  (I hope that's a word)  Ask these two.

**mumble whisper mumble whisper mumble***  Yes, Yes what a wonderful Idea
Ahemmm... "My hommies think we should have a vote"

Hommies, Shommmies...  I am the cutest. Rright?

Hello?  McFly!!!
I dunno..... I thought I was pretty cute.
I heard that lady, with the big butt that's always picking up after us,
say it a couple of times (Bernie)

**whispering at the side of her mouth**  "OMG! Jeezo Lily - who are we gonna vote for?"
"Just keep smiling Charlotte and nod... I can't take this pressure - I'm gonna crack"

How am I doing Lily?
Charlotte, your doing good... keep smiling

Look.... Vogue!
**singing**  I'm too sexy for my coat!  (Bernie)

I'm going to have to stop this... this is becoming very disturbing.

People let your voices be known... I know I can count of you.
**whispering** Vote for me

Did I miss something here? Who cares.... Good night.

I agree, let's get this over with... I have to pee.


Unknown said...

What a lovely story!!
Bernie and JemJem are indeed extremely cute. Lily and Charlotte are like dolls! xD And the lil pup in the begnning is so adorable!!!

anamchara1 said...

Love the little plain face (girl?) puppy!! You have very clever puppies ... I don't think mine talk that much! :)

Pennylynn said...

Priscilla... thank you. I love story books with pictures... sounds very childlike I know, but I'm a visual... and I have always liked comics of sorts.

Brenda... I'm so sorry your's don't talk that much.. it makes for a very interesting and funny day.... the things pups come up with! LOL!!!

The "plain face" is actually a boy.... **keeping my fingers crossed** I really like this one. If he is a "keeper"... I really have to think of a good Portuguese or Italian wine name for him.

Abby and Aiden said...

Soooo adorable!

BarrbV said...

The running commentary on the pictures is just hilarious! Keep it coming!