Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rosé had her pups!

I will not go into this experience of last night's whelp.... and it's still not quite sitting well with me.. ...however.... I want to thank Maureen for coming late last night to "help"... well ..take over (respectively speaking) the delivery of Rosé's litter which took us to the early morn ......2 a.m to be exact. I was pretty much the assistant... and helped Rose to calm down and help her start to have contractions when need be.

Rosé was AMAZING!!! AMAZING!!!! I LOVE HER !! AMAZING.  Notta yelp... Notta lunge to "bite" ...notta nothing during this whole ordeal.... NADA... she trusted us to do what we had to do to help her get those babes out. 

At the "beginning of the new day" , we have an 11 oz boy (I have NEVER seen that before) and a little 6.9 oz girl.  Both came out with a sucking vengance and latched on mom like.... well.... a sucker fish!

All are doing well.

You can see their pics on my FB account

We have named them already... I normally don't do this, but the names are fitting.
The boy is Jethro and the girl Elly May

1 comment:

Shelamo Shelties said...

only breeders get together @ 2am, have strong coffee(s) and whelp puppies :) bringing life into the world is a joy to me ~ glad she held off thru my busy weekend & I was there for you & Rose. And yes to easily whelp an 11 ozer! WOW!