Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Focus on this! Rosé's pups turn 5 wks tomorrow!!!

I had a bit time at lunch to take some pics of the puppies with my new camera while I had lots of sun coming in my window.  Tonight I will RTFM (read the ($*@ manual) to figure out how to take pics in little light (the reason I got the camera) - Portia's pup's eyes have opened...... can hardly wait.  They are almost 2 wks old.

I have looking at the pictures since 5:00 p.m.  It is now 6:15.  Here are a few pics from the 190 quick shots I took all in probably 3 minutes earlier today!   I'm still not done looking at them all.. sheeesshhh.

There may be someone out there who will be happy to see I have used their suggested name for this guy.

Where's Bernie?

Girls just waking up... God! Lily looks hung over or something.....

OKay girls, get off Bernie!!  (see legs in background .... yup that's him)

He doesn't look impressed.

Life according to Bernie

Psssst... hey you, over there.  Not "Hey you" - he has a name now... but yes YOU!

See my sister over there yapping JimJim's ear off....

She never stops!  Just yap yap yap yap yap....

Who are you talkin' to Bernie?

No one Charlotte, I'm talkin' to no one.

Lord... I beg you...make her shut up!!


anamchara1 said...

Many congrats on your new camera kit! You'll enjoy it so much, good for you ... you deserve it! I'm glad things are starting to straighten out ... you must be so relieved!!

Unknown said...

Look at the cuties! And like the camera!
Bernie is just so. .... oooo I want to pinch his cheeks!

They're all so adorable.

Linda said...

Great pictures with your new camera, and the puppies are so darned cute, I just love this age.
Charlotte and Bernie are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

OMG ... can't believe it ... Hey You is now Jem Jem ... awww ...
They are all so cute. Can't wait to hug every one of them.
Life according to Bernie ... well done. Cindy